Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
What a glorious weekend, the predicted rain held off until this evening. I enjoyed every moment spent outdoors. I had Good Friday off, as the stock market was closed. I spent it in the yard. I completely cleaned out the flower bed that runs the length of the garage, leading into the back yard. It was severly overrun with lemon balm and the lilac tree, planted at the front corner of the garage had sent several roots into the bed that had to be dug out and trimmed. That is a determined lilac, every year I have to lop off about a hundred suckers out from under it. It's overtaking the narrow pathway between the planting beds and I'm going to have to prune several branches back, but not until I get to enjoy all the flowers!
Saturday, I planted the center run of the bed with Oregon Sugar Pod peas, as they are one of our favorite vegies, enjoyed most right out of the garden! To either side of the peas I planted it thickly with snap dragon and marigold starts. This will be my cutting garden, so I can enjoy flowers in the house and at the office!
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