Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Bright Crisp Day

The sun is shining gloriously today! I decided to get out into the fresh air and took Gizmo for a walk up the way to get Mom and Dad's mail. I'm sure she thought I was being terribly mean when we didn't run up the driveway to see them. I don't think she realized they weren't there. I hope they are having a wonderful time in Italy!

From the mailbox we walked to the park and along the beach watching the whitecaps crash onto the beach.

I stood at the water's edge listening to the symphony of the pebbles and rocks as they tumbled and rolled with each wave as the incoming tide brought the waves closer and closer to my feet. The chilly wind, whitecapped waves and the brisk walk-very energizing!

Here's my little ten pound puller! She is, alternately,  ten pounds of pulling or piddling. Run ahead the length of the lead, piddle as I stride past, then runs to catch up and past me. Repeat for one hour!

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